KyouSaya | Wiki | Kawaii Amino Amino (2025)

It is common to find yuri subtext in the magical girl genre, sometimes it develops into shippings or pairings created by fans, even if it was not part of the creator's original intention. The creators of the show may have been aware of this phenomenon, so they decided to exploit the same yuri subtext phenomenon when it came to the relationship between Kyoko and Sayaka. However, the yuri subtext mostly comes from Kyoko, making it one-sided; while it is officially recognized that Kyoko has feelings for Sayaka, it is uncertain what types of feelings they are. Fans would argue that Sayaka just never had the chance to return these feelings, and Kyoko was never really good in articulating them.

Many fans point out that the reason these two are paired up together is because of their opposing personalities. Sayaka and Kyoko differ not only philosophically but their personalities are bound to cause clashes; yet they are not that dissimilar once you study these characters. Sayaka is an idealist who pursues the path of a hero of justice, she wants to emulate Mami as an example of an ideal Puella Magi. To Sayaka the gift of being a Puella Magi was something sacred to be used for good only and not for selfish acts. Kyoko on the other hand is more of a rogue who would only use her powers to satiate her base desires. Kyoko scoffs at the idea of using her powers to help others, instead she believes a Puella Magi should only help herself (even at the expense of others). To Kyoko there are no rules except her own.

This unlikely pair started out as enemies and Kyoko was close on killing Sayaka, but as the story progressed it was Kyoko who took the first step to close their gap of distrust. Kyoko even went so far as to explain to Sayaka her painful past and to why she believes Sayaka is making a mistake with her life. But Sayaka refuses Kyoko's advice and subtly proclaims she will be a better Puella Magi than her, that she will still follow a righteous path. Sayaka's arrogance at first seems to anger Kyoko (it is not known if she is angry at Sayaka, at herself, or both) but this doesn't stop her from continually pursuing Sayaka to stop her from furthering her mistakes. (Some fans like to suggest that this moment would have alienated any other character from trying to pursue a friendship with Sayaka, yet it seems to have an opposite effect with Kyoko).

Soon the roles are reversed in Episode 8 and 9. Sayaka finally admits that deep down she was no different from others, that she had selfish desires that were never fulfilled and that she regrets her decision on becoming a Puella Magi (like the love of a boy that went unfulfilled, or the jealous regret of saving a friend's life). She starts to see society as a selfish group who would only exploit others with no remorse for those who suffer. Sayaka finally understands that her decision brought nothing but unhappiness and regrets on her part. Betrayed by the world and by her ideals she soon falls into despair and darkness. It is because of this event that Kyoko soon starts to reveal a different side of her.

With the loss of Sayaka, Kyoko starts to reclaim her older self. She admits to Madoka that there was a time she used to idealize stories of love, friendship, and courage but she abandoned those ideals when she lost her family. After seeing Sayaka's despair, Kyoko decides that she wants to save her and get the old Sayaka back. Kyoko was putting her faith on romantic ideals, a move that many would like to point out as being irrational and dangerous (even Kyubey agrees such a notion is illogical). Once Kyoko realizes that there is no way to save Sayaka, she decides to sacrifice her life so they could both be together. That way Sayaka wont be alone anymore. There is a division among fans regarding Kyoko's decision to die with Sayaka. There are those who say Kyoko did it as an act of love (the tragic yuri pair or maybe an act of friendship), others say Kyoko knew that even if she did survive it would only be a matter of time before she became a witch so she wanted to end her life her own way (a self sacrifice with practical motives). However, the reason that Kyoko would give up her own life to avoid becoming a witch looks a little unstable, as there is a scene in the episode where what appears to be the souls of both girls, colored respectively in blue and red, embracing each other tenderly before disappearing for good. By this logic, it is unlikely that Kyoko will make one last attempt to reach out to Sayaka before they both faded away if she never saw Sayaka as someone who is more than just a friend, and that the only purpose of her death was to escape her eventual fate of being a Puella Magi.

To fans that support the yuri relationship, the reason that they find this pair strong and attractive is because they want Sayaka to be with someone who can love her and protect her. Kyoko was the only character who understood Sayaka's true nature (and her pain) since Kyoko admitted to her that she saw a fragment of herself in Sayaka. Kyoko was also the only one who chased after her to the bitter end, no matter the obstacles or how obstinate Sayaka was, Kyoko was still there for her. Last but not least, another strong indicator of Kyoko's feelings for Sayaka is shown in the last episode of the anime, where she is the only one who takes Sayaka's death the most personally, in spite of trying to brush it off as simply because they "finally had a chance to become friends". Kyoko fits the perfect role as Sayaka's protector and savior.

The relationship between Kyoko and Sayaka may have not been accidental or a tease but created to heighten emotional investments by the viewers. It is possible that this was part of the creator's intention to emotionally move groups of hardcore fans who support a Sayaka/Kyoko pairing, thus making their demise in Episode 9 more tragic (or as fans put it a "Yuri Tragedy" ending).

The Melusine Legend and Kyouko's Soul Gem:

There is a Melusine legend that indicates that "a Melusina surfaces briefly every seven years as a beautiful woman or as a serpent, holding a small golden key in her mouth. Whoever takes the key from her will set her free and may claim her as his bride." In Episode 9, Kyoko undoes her hair and then uses her hairpin to pray, it is uncertain but it seems that her Soul Gem and her hairpin were fused together to create a new hairpin with a shape that resembles that of her father's religious symbol. After Kyoko's prayer she kisses the newly formed hairpin and tosses it into the air (before she destroys it with her spear), maybe as an offering to Sayaka to free her from her Witch form by sacrificing Kyoko's soul. The shape of the normal hairpin and of the Soul Gem fused hairpin looks like of a golden key. Sayaka's witch form could also be a reference to the Little Mermaid story.

The Legend of the Unicorn and Magical Horns:

During the Blu-ray version of Episode 9, there were wind-chimes depicting a Mermaid and a Unicorn. The unicorn is considered to be a wild, powerful, temperamental beast that could only be tamed by a maiden. A unicorn's horn is said to have the power to cleanse poisoned water and heal sickness. Another of its magical properties is the ability to lift curses and break illusions. It is suspected that Kyoko is compared to the unicorn because of its characteristics as well as the horn's magical properties. Both Kyoko and the unicorn are wild and temperamental creatures, free to roam and do whatever they want. Kyoko at one time had the power of illusion as well as the ability to break them ("shining light on illusions", according to a magazine article). The Unicorn's magical properties resides within its horn, and Kyoko's magical weapon is a spear. Fans speculate that Kyoko's spear could be a reference to a unicorn's horn. Another comparison is Kyoko's attempt to break Sayaka's curse during Episode 9. Since a unicorn's horn can magically cleanse poisoned water and the mermaid has connotation to the elements of water (in this case, the elements of water corrupted by the witch form), it could be interpreted as her attempt to purify its element back to its original form (in this case turn Sayaka back to normal). It is suggested that Sayaka is the maiden because she was the only one who was able to "tame" Kyoko. As Kyoko explained before, the only reason she got close to Sayaka was because Sayaka's idealism reminded Kyoko of her innocent, naive yet idealistic self. The Unicorn symbolism seems to be implied in the Puella Magi Madoka Magica Portable game. See Ophelia.


At the beginning of The Rebellion Story movie, Sayaka and Kyoko are shown to be Madoka's classmates, and it's later revealed that Kyoko is staying at Sayaka's place. The girls have a much friendlier relationship where Sayaka essentially acts as a the straight man to Kyoko's fool. They also fight as a team together in battles. Unfortunately, this world is an illusion created by a witch's barrier. Interestingly, it's revealed to be Homura's witch barrier, which suggests that on some level Homura wants Sayaka and Kyoko to be together.

Later on it's revealed that Sayaka came back from the Law of Cycles, and she is implied to have memories from previous timelines. This suggests that she has become aware of how much Kyoko cared for her, and how upset Kyoko became when she turned into a witch or vanished. (This creates an interesting parallel with Madoka and Homura's relationship - Sayaka could only understand Kyoko's feelings when she became part of the Law of Cycles, just as Madoka could only understand Homura's feelings when she became the Law of Cycles itself.) During the battle against Homulilly, Kyoko rescues Sayaka from a familiar, and she seems upset when she says that she remembered Sayaka was supposed to be dead. Sayaka comforts Kyoko and admits that while she thought she had no regrets when she died, it turned out she had one: Leaving Kyoko behind. They share a moment holding hands before Nagisa ruins it, much to Sayaka's displeasure. Kyoko seems to shed a single tear on her spear before she and Sayaka fight together against Homulilly's familiars. Later, Sayaka's witch Oktavia is shown fighting with Kyoko's spear, a clear indication of the bond between the two. After the battle finishes and Homulilly's barrier vanishes, Kyoko is shown to be unhappy that Sayaka has vanished again.

At the end of the movie Homura creates a new universe where all the girls live happy lives. One of the scenes at the end of the movie has Sayaka and Kyoko enjoying a box of pocky together.

Ultimately, Rebellion shows that Sayaka is now aware of Kyoko's feelings for her, whatever they may be, and to some extent she returns those feelings. At the very least, Kyoko and Sayaka have become friends who don't want to be separated again. Rebellion also shows that Kyoko and Sayaka would have become close friends under different circumstances.


•This pair is labeled as KyouSaya by yurifans. Kyoko is seen as a tomboy who is usually depicted in the prince role and Sayaka as the tough yet feminine maiden.

•In Episode 9 near Oktavia's barrier there is a graffiti of a heart and inside it we can read the words "Love Me Do" which is the name of a Beatle's song. This song is believed by some fans to represent Kyoko's feelings towards Sayaka. However there's a possibility they were referring to Sayaka's feelings about Kyousuke instead.

•"Love Me Do" is written purposely wrong according with the English grammar.

•A verse of the lyrics: "Love, Love Me Do/You know I love you/I'll always be true/So please, Love Me Do"

•When you read "Love Me Do" out loud, it can be "miss understood" as "Love Me Too".

•Hanokage's comic in the Puella Magi Madoka Magica Anthology has Kyoko using Homura's game simulator to interact with a virtual Sayaka. Kyoko ends up playing the game for hours.

•Ume-tentei ships Kyoko and Sayaka in her doujin.

•The audio at the Madoka Magica Exhibit makes Sayaka tsundere for Kyoko.

•In the PSP game, if Sayaka's Soul Gem is returned on time, Kyoko would try to console a depressed Sayaka as she has seen Kyōsuke and Hitomi together. An upset Sayaka runs into Kyoko and cries in her arms (in case you're wondering why she doesn't go to Madoka, her best friend, is because she's always with Homura now). Kyoko talks to her, opens up about her past, and unlike in the anime, Sayaka really listens to Kyoko. You should hear how she says, "Kyoko...". Kyoko saves Sayaka, a 300 pt emotion value drops and Sayaka is almost her old cheerful self. Sayaka even suggests to Kyoko that they should be a magical girl combi (duo). Then they go fight a witch together.

•In the Kyoko route of the PSP game, Sayaka becomes a witch and Kyoko tries to turn Sayaka back to normal. When Homura kills Oktavia, Kyoko falls into despair after seeing Oktavia's dead.

In an alternate event, Kyoko will calm down when she remembers Sayaka's last words, "I'll bear the burden of the curse for both of us".

•In the True Ending of the Madoka Portable, Kyoko gets jealous from Sayaka's comment about how Mami would make a great wife. She tells Sayaka it is not her fault that she is sloppy.

•In the anime, Sayaka never uses the honorific "-chan". However in the PSP game, Sayaka does use "-chan" occasionally to refer to herself and Kyoko. Sayaka never uses "-chan" for anyone else.

•In the movie Rebellion Story Kyoko and Sayaka live together.

•The double-suicide is considered typical in romantic endings for two tragic lovers in Japanese storytelling. Many fans would point this fact as evidence for making this couple canon.

•After the airing of Episode 9, yuri artwork of this pair exploded on Pixiv.

•Listen to the duet character song "And I'm Home" with Kyoko Sakura and Sayaka Miki (Ai Nonaka and Eri Kitamura). Many fans have interpreted the lyrics to contains yuri elements.

•Kyoko addresses Sayaka by her first name only from Episode 8 and afterwards. Some suggest this is an indication of how important Sayaka is to Kyoko.

•However, it should also be noted that this period of time is when Sayaka is at her worst mental state--as she is near to becoming a witch--or dead/turned into a witch. This means Kyoko's name addressing may have other implications.

【Lizz】 And I'm Home【KoKo】(English)

KyouSaya | Wiki | Kawaii Amino Amino (2025)


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